Six top tips for winter home happiness
Ugh, winter! It may be cold and dark right now, but your mood doesn’t have to be. Avoid the winter blues and keep your spirits high while the sun is low with our six top tips for winter home happiness.
Clear the decks. While spring is the winner for making cleaner, brighter spaces at home, a good winter declutter can also work wonders. Clear your home and your mind of all the things you no longer need to hang onto, and both will feel lighter and more cheerful.
Turn up the cosiness. To offset the chill of leaving and coming home in the dark, try to make things cosy and comforting indoors. Cosset yourself and your spaces in lovely plush blankets and pillows, and soft lighting. Make sure your heating and outdoor lighting set-up is tuned for a warm welcome.
Indulge your senses. All of them! Keep your senses alive by growing indoor plants. Throw some cut flowers in a vase, some essential oils in a diffuser, a new artwork on the wall or a song through the speakers. Cuddle the cat or a hot water bottle. Stretch, meditate, knit, dance. Make your favourite meal.
Step outside. Now your house is a winter oasis of warmth and cheer, it’s time to leave it. Make a point of getting out every day for a brisk walk and some fresh air. Beat the siren call of couch or bed by always having your footwear, warm clothing, and any other walking paraphernalia, ready and waiting for you.
Catch up. It’s tempting to hibernate at this time of year. If you don’t feel like venturing out, have a friend over for coffee and cake - or get folks around for a rugby, movie or game night. Put on some pies, pizza or popcorn, a comforting winter casserole, or make it pot luck so everyone brings something hot and delicious.
Try a new thing. Rewiring isn’t just for houses. Get your brain ticking along with a new interest or skill, to help you relax and wind down in the evenings or to connect with new people. Join a book club or read something new, bust out some watercolours, write in a journal, start a yoga routine, finish a jigsaw, whip up some bread, knit a scarf, build a model, learn a language, take up singing or a musical instrument. Make some noise.