The Edinburgh Realty eNewsletter

Issue #84 | March 2020


Six top tips: Why you should get a real estate agent to sell your home

You've always done DIY on your home, so why not a DIY home sale? While you can always sand things back when renovating and have another crack at it, when it comes to selling your home, you only get one chance to do it right. That's why most people choose a professional real estate agent to bring their home to market. Here are our six top tips for why you should too.

1. They do it every day. All sorts of homes, in your area and beyond. They know what's been selling for what, and why, what will attract buyers and what will make them run a mile. You can use their market knowledge to pitch your home at the right price to the right people.

2. They know how to comply. If you're allergic to the TLA, Three-Letter Acronym, let your agent sort all that paperwork. They have AML, CFT and all areas of real estate compliance covered, so you can SBR (Sit Back and Relax).

3. They're in your corner. You'll have a skilled and experienced professional doing all the negotiating and encouraging top offers from buyers.

4. It's a dream team. Agents are supported by a team of experts in real estate advertising, design, photography and law. They'll also have a network of local contacts and a long-tended list of looking to buy-ers.

5. Time and energy (not yours). Your agent will give your home their full attention - creating your marketing plan, hosting open homes and following up leads. It's their job to sort the genuinely interested from the merely curious, and to take those late night phone calls.

6. Your pocket. There's no shortcut to the experience a licenced real estate professional offers – assessing the market, presenting your home, choosing an auction, deadline or fixed price sale, selecting the reserve price, liaising with buyers, taking offers and negotiating – it all adds up to a better deal for you come settlement time.