Property Management: Meet our newest team members
We recently welcomed two new Property Managers, Philip McKague to our Dunedin team and Clare Rogan to our Central team.
With a background in building construction and mechanical trades, as well as industrial sales and project and asset management, Philip has quite the skillset for managing his Edinburgh property portfolio of student flats, car parks and residential houses.
“My goal is always a win-win relationship between the property owner and the tenant, so that each happily receives what they need.”
Speaking of what you need... keep an eye out next month for the 2020 edition of Get a Room, our student letting magazine, launching early June!
If your focus is Central Otago, be sure to see our new Property Manager Clare Rogan. Clare is no stranger to Edinburgh Realty, or the quick paced real estate market in Central, managing properties in Cromwell, Alexandra and Wanaka:
“Rental properties are in high demand in Central. As soon as we list a new property, we’re flooded with applications from prospective tenants for short term stays and long term rentals.”
If you’re interested in getting an appraisal for your Central Otago rental property, get in touch with Clare now on 0274 213 849 or clare@edinburgh.co.nz